
Our latest FLG feature - Appointments

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    Karen Barker
  • on 19-03-2019


Have you ever spent time going back and forth with a customer or prospect to find a convenient time for a call or meeting? Worse still, perhaps you've opened your calendar to find a clash or even missed an appointment because you're managing them in two places.

If this sounds familiar, then our brand new feature, Appointments, is just for you. It's available now as an early release for Google Calendar users.

What is Appointments?

Scheduling a call, meeting or site survey with a customer or prospect is an everyday occurrence. However straightforward it seems, arranging an appointment is all too often more complicated that it should be; it can add friction, take up too much time and it's not joined up with field based staff and teams.

Appointments checks availability in your external calendar and lets you pick an available time that suits without ever leaving FLG CRM. It then puts the appointment into your external calendar. The days of manually duplicating appointments in multiple calendars are gone - everything will be in one place so you can focus on the appointment rather than administering it!

What's an early release?

We begin by giving you minimal features and grow from there. This is just the beginning for Appointments, and your feedback will help us prioritise what we do next.

We've got lots of feature ideas - allowing customers or prospects to make their own appointments, Microsoft calendar integration, making appointments for others in your organisation, notifications, clever appointment distribution, allowing multiple attendees - but we know you'll have other great ideas too.

When can I see it?

Right away. If you're a Google Calendar get in contact, and we'll give you access. We'll set up a feedback loop involving our software engineers so you're giving feedback to the right people. We'll add new things every couple of weeks until we've solved the problem at hand.

Appointments is available on our XL and Concierge subscription plans.

Thanks for reading.