
New - you can now send longer text messages from FLG


We wanted to let you know about a recent change to the number of characters which can be included in a text message sent from FLG.

Send longer text messages

Sometimes it can be difficult to fit everything you need to say into 612 characters, especially when using dynamic content via template variables. That’s why we’ve increased the maximum number of characters to 918. Any messages over 160 characters are sent as multiple text messages (now up to 6), but appear as one message to the recipient. You will be billed for the total number of text messages it takes to send your message.

All existing text message templates will continue to be sent as normal. If you have any text templates that were truncated due to the old character limit, these will now send up to 918 characters and you will be charged up to a maximum of 6 text messages for them.

Why not use this opportunity to review your text message templates to ensure you’re happy with their wording, the overall length and cost of each message to make sure you're getting the most out of a single customer communication by text.

Thanks for reading.

Karen Barker

Business Analyst