Another new Journeys feature, straight from our feedback site, to tell you about.
You can now add conditions to show or hide fields in a journey based on the response to a previous field. This is a brilliant way to personal the route your customer or prospect takes through a journey and to avoid burdening them with questions and fields not relevant to them. It also allows you to reduce the length of the journey when it loads which some customers tell us is key to completion rates. For more help, take a look at our help doc or get in touch.
Here are just a few of the ways you could use conditions, based on our conversations with you to date.
These are just a few examples and I am sure you'll have many other uses and ideas.
We're still working on the feature and will be adding conditions support to all field types in the next couple of weeks. Let us know what you think of the feature and post your ideas to make it even better on our feedback site.
Have a great day.
Mike Emery
Product Manager