Journey improvements

Karen Barker

- Ability to move easily between different pages of a Journey
- Address lookup
- Set conditions on pages
- Set conditions on multiple fields
- Add conditions on metadata fields - e.g. Marketing source, status
- Journey PDF's to display as the Journey is displayed rather than in a table
- Calculations in tables
- Ability to include any field in a table
- Ability to screen pop a Journey
- Custom error page
- Ability to re-order rows in a Journey table
- Allow more than 2dp for decimal fields to get more precise calculations
- Ability to collect documents within a Journey
- Only allow some Journeys to be accessible from a lead.
- Allow default values to be added to fields


Activity Newest / Oldest


Ava Dwyer

Copy fields/pages option


Karen Barker

@Ava, Currently in development is the ability to copy Journey fields. This should be live within the next week. If you want to keep track of this issue, see feedback.getflg.com/b/ideas-and-feedback/copy-journey-fields/


Karen Barker

Status changed to: Under review