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I have the Aircall Voice integration but I would like for all of my leads to be contacts in Aircall similar to how it is in...
We need to add email address to the ViCiDial webhook as we want to email the lead based on outcome of each call via Hostcomm
Use integration to seamlessly receive leads from social media campaigns, current process uses Zapier but it's not a reliable...
There should be an option to see when we receive email reminders. Currently, it's 1 hour before. It would be beneficial...
Group items in Journeys so you can set behaviours only once for a group of items at once rather than repeating it individually.
For lead actions, include the lead received date and time to be used to set conditions . For example, select different...
Is it possible to allows times to set on the call or just select times otherwise we have to setup lots of slots for different...
Be able to drap and drop like when uploading "Document" but a smaller box.
It will be useful that when you select cancell all tasks, it would cancel just tasks, not texts and emails.
Document file name automatically named in the description box.