Get URL to download document from Activities API

Bill Burey

In the Activities API would it be possible get the URL to download the document associated with the Document Activity. Field 2 is currently blank. So something along the lines of when you click the download button it gives a url like this "worldofsolar.flg360.co.uk/bo/BOLeadItemView.php?aW50TGVhZElEPTE3NDY3ODExOSZpbnRTdWJMZWFkSUQ9JnN0clJldHVyblVSTD0vYm8vQk9MZWFkU3VtbWFyeS5waHA_YVc1MFRHVmhaRWxFUFRFM05EWTNPREV4T1NacGJuUlRkV0pNWldGa1NVUTlKbk4wY2xObFlYSmphRXhsWVdSelJuSmhaMjFsYm5ROWNDTTJNVHN4SXpNNE8yUndJell4TzJGc2JDTXpPRHRrY2lNMk1Uc3dNUzh3TVM4d01EQXhMREF4THpBeEx6azVPVGtqTXpnN2F5TTJNVHQwWlhOMEptbHVkRk5sWVhKamFFeGxZV1J6U1c1a1pYZzlNQSMmaW50Tm90ZUlEPTY4MzAyMzc2OQ"
Maybe the URL could be placed in Field 2


Activity Newest / Oldest


Karen Barker

Hi Bill, sounds like a great idea, especially on the back of secure document uploads. Thanks.

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